Thursday, December 10, 2009

Word, MoFo (An Exclusive Report)

As you will read below, I have a clinical obsession with words. One of the symptoms of this type of "condition" is having random (and at times slightly embarrassing)words pop into my head where they then make themselves at home in the cushy folds of my gray matter. And these little parasites are not content to just bob around in my brain brine- no sir, they DEMAND to be recognized, verbalized and, at times, written down...many times. So, with that little admission of insanity, I plan to post these insistent little letter leeches as they assault me with the hope that being made famous via my most distinguished blog they might let me sleep at night.

Today's Word, brought to you in part by the play dough I made today, is:


Main Entry: nec·ro·man·cy
Pronunciation: \ˈne-krə-ˌman(t)-sē\
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of Middle English nigromancie, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin nigromantia, by folk etymology from Late Latin necromantia, from Late Greek nekromanteia, from Greek nekr- + -manteia -mancy
Date: 1522

1 : conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events
2 : magic, sorcery

Beats the shit out of me why that word has been lodged in my noodle but what can ya do?
P.S. You were right, Chris. Nerd!

1 comment:

Olive said...

That happens to me too except its usually with spanish and french words. (and if im especially lucky; swedish words get mixed in occasionally)What happens is that i try to conjugate words like "manger" to spanish "yo" form and it turns out "mango" now that's not right.....